
The purpose for this blog is to provide homeschoolers with information about issues that are pertinent to the homeschool community. Mike Huckabee has been a great supporter of the right to homeschool and of parental rights in general. So this homeschool family hearts Huckabee!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Activity #8 - How Do Primaries Work?

Read or listen to the following resource about how primaries and caucuses work:

How Primaries Work

Another resource for primaries and caucuses:

Primaries and Caucuses

Here's a link for a follow-up worksheet for this resource:


Younger students: Discuss orally how primaries and caucuses differ (in primaries, votes are cast individually without interaction whereas in caucuses, voters interact to discuss support for a particular candidate before a vote is taken).

Older students: Write a paragraph describing the differences between primaries and caucuses.

Older students/younger students: Hold your own mock caucus with family members. Choose a precinct captain to hold 1-2 minute discussions of the candidates. Then vote for your favorite candidate.

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