
The purpose for this blog is to provide homeschoolers with information about issues that are pertinent to the homeschool community. Mike Huckabee has been a great supporter of the right to homeschool and of parental rights in general. So this homeschool family hearts Huckabee!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Activity #17 Calculate Your State's Delegates

Look up your state's delegate information here:

Write a summary of how many delegates your state has to the Republican National Convention and how that number is determined. Also determine if your state gives all the delegates to the winner or if they are distributed by congressional district. For example:

3 x # of congressional districts + 10 at large delegates + bonus delegates = grand total

Determine which 3 states have the largest number of delegates.

For younger students, discuss that the states with the most people living in them get the most points (delegates) for the candidate. Explain that winning some states give more points (delegates) than other states.

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