
The purpose for this blog is to provide homeschoolers with information about issues that are pertinent to the homeschool community. Mike Huckabee has been a great supporter of the right to homeschool and of parental rights in general. So this homeschool family hearts Huckabee!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Activity #15 - Florida Over Now for Super Tuesday

The winner of Florida was John McCain so add this to your map. Up next are the Super Tuesday states. About half of these states are not winner take all delegates. The following are winner-take-all delegates:

Arizona - 53
Connecticut - 30
Delaware - 18
Georgia - 72
Minnesota - 41
Missouri - 58
New Jersey - 52
New York - 101
Oklahoma - 41
Utah - 36
West Virginia- 30

A total of 1023 delegates will be selected on Super Tuesday. A total of 1191 is needed to secure the Republican nomination. It will be nearly impossible for any candidate to secure the needed delegates on Feb 5 which means the next few states will play a key role:

Here are the states following Feb 5:

Feb 9:
Kansas caucus- 39
Louisiana primary - 46
Washington caucus - 40

Feb 10 - Maine caucus - 20

Feb 12:
Maryland - 37
Virginia - 63

Feb 19 :
Wisconsin - 40

March 4:
Ohio - 88
Rhode Island - 19
Texas - 138
Vermont - 18

Here's a good site with the breakdown of how delegates are chosen in each state and if they are bound by law to the popular vote:


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